Call our 24-hour crisis and information hotline at (303) 444-2424 or send an email to for support, resources, and more information about SPAN services.
Housing & Economic Justice Program
Do you or someone you know need help?
All Housing and Economic Justice Program services are available in Spanish and are free of charge. To contact our Housing Team, use our 24-hour Crisis Line (303) 444-2424 or email
The SPAN Transitional Housing and Economic Justice Program focuses on supporting survivors of domestic violence and their families through case management, community advocacy, and appropriate community referrals for individualized needs to help survivors achieve emotional and financial self-sufficiency. Without access to housing options, survivors fleeing from abusive relationships are often forced to live in substandard conditions or return to their abusers. While many survivors only need short-term housing or emergency shelter, others face numerous barriers to achieving independence and require assistance in sustaining long-term housing and stability.
The Housing Program works with survivors to support them in reaching their goals, whether that be moving out of an abusive household, accessing affordable housing, or identifying services while experiencing homelessness.
Housing Program Support and Resources:
- Safety planning with survivors
- Short-term rental assistance
- Landlord support and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) lease breaks
- Boulder County Coordinated Entry
- Housing Choice Voucher applications
- Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) applications
SPAN Economic Empowerment Project (EEP)
The SPAN Economic Empowerment Project (EEP) is an opportunity for survivors to learn more about community resources in Boulder County. Each EEP session is virtual and covers a topic that moves survivors towards financial self-sufficiency, such as accessing college courses at a low cost, creating a professional resume, starting a business, and navigating the immigration system. EEP is intended to be a safe and accessible space where participants can connect, learn, and ask questions. All EEP sessions are available in English and Spanish and are free of charge.
Check back in August for more information about our upcoming EEP Sessions!
Please fill out the form below to join one of our EEP Sessions, or learn more about our housing support programs.